More Than 50 Years of Experience in Biosafety, Environmental Care, and Animal Welfare
Hydroxyl radicals (InvisiGard ) also play a crucial role in reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases, such as methane. Methane is a potent contributor to global warming, and the involvement of hydroxyl radicals in its oxidation contributes to mitigating the impact of this greenhouse gas on our planet’s climate.

Biosect is a company with more than 50 years of experience in biosafety, environmental care, and animal welfare. We are dedicated to providing innovative solutions for the livestock industry, utilizing the Best Available Techniques to ensure the highest standards of safety, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare.
InvisiGard is a robust self-cleaning persistent technology powered by light. InvisiGard is designed to clean the surface, particles in the air, suppress microbial growth, degrading hazardous organic pollutants into harmless substances allowing a safe and healthy living environment all accredited to ISO27447.

One of the reactions produced on the activated surfaces is the is the continuous creation of hydroxyl radicals from water molecules existing in the air. Hydroxyl radicals are considered the cleaning molecules in the air, they are able to burn most of the compounds that are in the air. Ammonia and methane are easily destroyed and elliminated, In continuously producing environments as farms, a reduction up to 90% is feasible.